
Thursday, December 31, 2020

My Holiday: Thursday 17th December Reefton + Swimming

 On a terrific Thursday, Dad woke me up at 6:15 am to go swimming in the Hokitika swimming pool. I was very tried. When I got there, I got changed, put my cap and googles on, and put my drink on the side of the pool. Me and this man were swimming. A little while later, two older ladies arrived. At 7:35 am, I hopped out. Today my training consisted of 36 lengths, some fast and slow. I enjoyed training today.  ( Click here to see me swim Swimming )

 At 10:00 am , we left our Air 'bnb'. For breakfast I had Peanut  butter on toast which was yum. Next, I had a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, got changed,made my bed, back my half of the suit case, and did a few jobs. A little while later, we drove to a lolly shop. It was amazing! I got Harry Potter frogs. Also, we got some sour ones and regular lollies too. When we got back in the car, Dad opened this sour sweets they were extra sour. They were DIGUSTING! Then, we carried on driving. 

On the way to Hanmer Springs, we stopped at Reefton to get a snack. I got a strawberry milkshake, Alec and Dad got pies, and  Mum got a coffee. It was a nice little town, with lots of cafes. Back on the road to Hanmer springs and I had a wee nap. When we arrived, I put mine and Alec's suit case in our room and helped with dinner. Next, Mum put the sheets on our beds. Sadly, there was no internet so Dad hot spotted the chrome book. For dinner, me and my Dad created chicken with purple onion, peppers, some spices and wraps which were scrumptious. At 8:00 pm, we put on the T.V and watched a house program - which Alec didn't like. Following this, we had hot  chocolate which were yummy in your tummy. Soon we went to bed and felt a asleep. Another great car journey to a new place.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this blog! It’s a month ago now but we had such a lovely time down in the South Island. It was a special time for our family where we made lots of memories! Great blogging George
