
Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday 23 2019 Dec

Today l woke  up and went for a swim with my Dad. I completed 5 lenghts freestyle, 5 lenghts breast stroke, 4 lenghts butterfly, 5 lenghts back stroke and l kicked with the board for 5 lenghts.

l felt tried after doing that many lengthes.  My goal is to do 30 lengthes tomorrow afternoon.


  1. Wow Georgie- you made me feel tired reading about how many lengths you did! That is amazing. Are you training for a swim programme? You must be very fit. You mention going again tomorrow to achieve 30 lengths. Good luck with that.
    Will you take a break on Xmas day?

    Mrs Burt

  2. Hi Mrs Burt, thank you for your message. I am going to do more swim training over the holidays and that's going to be my main reason for blogging. I did have a break on Christmas Day. I have also been surfing on some days so I've not managed to train everyday. I think you know my dad his name is David Lowe from Taipa School.
